We understand no two land sites are the same, whether it be surplus garden land, redundant buildings that require new life breathing into them, commercial brownfield development or larger sites on the edge of green belt. We evaluate every site carefully, considering whether it be relevant planning, environmental, conservation or other specific constraints. We work in tandem with the National Planning Framework and Local District Plans so that your site can be best developed for your needs.
Gaining planning is seldom easy or straightforward, that is why we have our own in-house and third-party consultants covering architecture, town planning, chartered surveying and commercial expertise. Only by having this depth of resource across Hertfordshire, Bedfordshire and Buckinghamshire can we fully understand all the planning nuances that will in one way, or another, affect the outcome of your site.
Whether it’s working for you on a straight sale, introducing you to a retained Developer client or promoting your land for you without cost and selling after, we can help.
Feel free to contact us in the strictest confidence or working with us under an NDA if you prefer.
Recent Successes

East Herts – Green Belt 5 acres
Planning obtained for 63 units GDV £35m

Hitchin – Single dwelling
Planning obtained for 10 luxury apartments GDV £3m

Near Hertford – Brownfield Site
Planning obtained for 4 units GDV £4m

Near St Albans – House in 5 acres
Outline planning obtained. Estimated GDV £30m